Taisha Emerald
Taisha Emerald
[M3] Magic Emerald
Lead Developer at Magic Emerald

Greetings ! If you are on this page, you probably think that we need to talk, so let's have a live chat !


If you contact me for Magic Emerald customer support, please provide your Second Life username by simply changing your pseudo once the chat started.


My beloved customer, I offer you this service to make it easier and more friendly for both of us, I try to be online 7/7 and as much as I can usually from 2 AM to 11 AM SLT.

However, this is a little manual to help you:

✗ Offline in SL...
✓ No worries, I am maybe online here, in this case, simply start a chat with me.

✗ Offline here too ?
✓ Leave me an IM in Second Life and I'll get back to you within few hours.

✗ Still nothing after 24 hours ?!
✓ Don't panic, just drop me a notecard in Second Life and be sure to get a quick response ;)

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